Autumn semester been busy, this semester not so busy, got time to work on this.
I dropped the multiplayer because I will not be able to make it actually work right now. I'd rather make a decent singleplayer game than a crap multiplayer one, and if I follow good practices I will be able to easily convert it to multiplayer again.
I've been real busy with working out the nit-bits of each little mechanic of the user experience when it comes to interacting with items and stuff in the world.
To craft you can either drag an item on another, or right click, select use, and the click on another item, or right click on the other item and select the crafting option.
Smoothed out the combat, feels pretty good now.
I think I am close with finishing the core game mechanics for this iteration. Then I will add content, add the menus and figure out saving data, add achievements integrated with Newgrounds and then do the art and graphical design.
I will release a simplistic version of the game for general feedback, etc. And then I will re-release the games multiple times with more contents.